Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Wolves

(Reminder to Amber, please add another wolf.)

Dreamer sighed as she stood on a large boulder. It jutted out above the clearing, so it would be a perfect to call wolves for a meeting."I'll call it SmoothRock." She rubbed her paws against the smooth surface. Haku was flopped on the ground, letting his dark fur soak in the Spring sun. Dreamer laughed quietly to herself, then stealthily slunk to her friend. Light on her feet, she pounced right on his side, scaring him.

"Hey! Don't do that!" He yelled jokingly, and the two laughed together. They heard a rustling just outside of the entrance, and they froze. Dreamer felt her fur prickle up, but she let it back down. It could just be more joiners. She soothed herself and padded calmly to the entrance. A large black wolf burst in. To small pups dangled from his mouth, and he looked as if he were going to faint. Haku carefully took the pups from him."Take them to the Nursery." Dreamer smiled to her friend, then turned her attention to the wolf.

"Do you need help? Are you hungry?" Dreamer dragged a fish from the pile of prey that she and Haku had caught earlier. The wolf gratefully ate it until he was stronger."Are those your pups?" Dreamer asked him, glancing at the safe cave where they were put. The wolf nodded."My mate just wandered off. I needed to find a safe place for them." Dreamer stood up."Perfect! You can join our new pack!" The wolf smiled at her."That would be nice. Other wolves to help you out." Dreamer nodded and leaped onto the SmoothRock.

Just as she was about to speak, a young, pretty she-wolf stumbled through the entrance. She stared at each wolf, then turned tail to run."Wait!" Dreamer called after her, and she turned."What?" Dreamer looked at her for a moment. She looked about old enough to be a Trainee."Would you like to join our pack?" The wolf looked over Dreamer shoulders at the safe, sheltered camp."Sure," she said hesitantly. Dreamer smiled, and returned to the SmoothRock.

"Okay, so what are you and your pups names?" Dreamer asked the black wolf."My name is Shadow, and my pups are Feather and Rock." Dreamer nodded."Shadowm you will be a fighter of Stormpack. Your pups will be pups until they are old enough to train." He nodded, and went to sit by the nursery."And what's your name?" She looked at the she-wolf."I am Alado." SHe sadi bravely, locking her gaze with Dreamer's."Okay, Alado, you are a Trainee. Your mentor shall be my trusty friend Haku." Alado and Haku nodded.

Dreamer smiled with satisfaction."That will be all." She leaped down gracefully.


  1. She eyed Haku suspiciously. "Trusty, eh? How do I know I can trust you?"

    He wandered into the Nursery, sniffing first Feather than Rock. They'd be alright. They'd be safe here. No harm would come to them. He laid down and whispered to them. Your mother will be here, she is not dead. She'll be here. She loves you and she would never leave you unless she had too. Never forget her.

  2. Haku rolled his eyes."I've been through a lot. You can trust me. Especially if Dreamer trusts me. She's one hard wolf to gain trust from."

  3. "So have I. I'm surprised I even made it here." She blinked and realised she had said to much and looked away. I suppose I can trust these wolves but they must not know about my past, it'd only bring harm.

  4. Haku looked at her in confusion."What do you mean by that? You seemed in good shape when you came here."

  5. "Yes, 'cause I can manage on my own... for awhile." She said, looking back at Haku. I will only give them basic information. I will not tell them about the others. She thought.

  6. Haku shrugged."Okay. We can train in a little bit." He said, then slid a slab of deer to Alado.

  7. "Great!" She needed to train. Her skills of hunting her a tad rusty. She eyed the deer warily but hunger got the better of her. She gobbled it down quickly and licked her lips. "Thank you." She smiled greatfully.

  8. "Your welcome." Haku smiled. This she-cat seemed extremely scared. He wondered if something was wrong.

  9. (She-cat? :P)

    She looked into his eyes and sighed. "I guess I should tell someone..."

  10. (She-wolf! XD oops)

    "Tell someone what?" He sat down, suddenly interested.

  11. (Lol)

    "About my past.. I was living in a rouge pack. My mother and father were killed when I was barely born. She was eventually killed, same with my father,I waited until I was well able to fend on my own but before I left, the leader said he won't stop unless he kills me. He'd hunt me down I've been running ever since... you're the first wolf I've ever told." She said, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.

  12. Haku's eyes widened."That's awful!" He thought."Don't worry, now that you're in a pack, we'll protect you."

  13. "I don't need protecting." She breathed, her head hanging. "I just need to be far away. It took me almost 5 moons to travel here, I think I'm far enough." She said and looked at Haku.

  14. Shrugging, Haku spoke again."Well, even so, the pack will stand up for you if they follow your scent." He stood up and shook out his long, heavy fur."Want to go train?"

    Dreamer lay in her comfortable nest. She gazed happily at the bright sunlight filtering through the entrance. How she longed for someone to be with......

    (I wonder why nobody wants to be Beta or Healer......)

  15. (I don't know, I can make another wolf to be one if you like)

    She smiled. "Thank you, Haku." She shook her ruffled pelt and thought for a moment. "I'd love to train." She brightened, as if she had never spoke about her rough past.

  16. Haku nodded."Let's go to the Training Clearing." He smiled, recalling the nice clearing that he and Dreamer had passed on the way here.
