Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mountains (Border with cats)

These mountains mark the end of our territory. Beyond them are little cats formed into packs, a little like us. We usually don't mix with the cats, unless we need territory.


  1. Dreamer approached the base of the mountains."We shall lay border here. Beyond these mountains are strange groups of cats."

  2. "I know. Me and Haku passed through their land on our way here." Dreamer scowled, remembering how they scratched at her legs.

  3. "I traveled through the other side of the territory with Feather and Rock. There weren't much animals on the otherside besides prey." Shadow said.

  4. Quicksilver's ears pricked. "I traveled across those mountains with Sola and Streak, and we met the cats. Apparently, we "attacked" them, so they attacked us, and they call themselves "Mysteryclan," whatever that means."

  5. "It's a clan-a group of cats." Shadow said simply. "I've heard about them, hopefully we stay far away from them as possibly, I don't prefer to be scratched up."

  6. Quicksilver nodded her agreement. "Cats are so stupid," she muttered.

  7. Dreamer smiled at the humor. She rubbed her side against a scraggly, bare pine tree to help leave a scent trail.

  8. Quicksilver ruffled her fur and rubbed at the base of the rock.

    Sola found a log and did the same.

  9. Shadow disappeared and came back after a few moments. "I marked the border up ahead." He barked.

  10. "Okay, let's move on." Dreamer said and stepped around a large boulder."Once the borders are down, those cats won't dare come here."

  11. Quicksilver grinned, rather savagely. "And if they do, we'll rip them to shreds!"

  12. Shadow's moust dropped and he was about to say something but thought better of it. He would save his comments for himself.
