Thursday, March 24, 2011

The pack is growing

Dreamer was still waiting for more wolves wiling to come on the patrol."If we don't lay our border soon," She growled."Other packs may wander in and take our territory." Just as she finished speaking, she heard voices outside of camp. She dove into the shadows, just as four wolves entered. They looked around for a moment, with all the wolves staring at them. Then Dreamer slipped out from behind them.

"What business do you have here?" She asked, not stern, but not exactly friendly."Well," A tan she-wolf said thoughtfully."Is this a pack?" "Yes.." Dreamer's face twisted into a smile."Would you like to join us?" A smaller black and white wolf came forward."Of course!" He snorted."Do you have any idea how we've been living the past moon?" Dreamer frowned at his rudeness."Yes, I do." Her yellow eyes hardened, and the wolf stepped back. Dreamer, pretty as she was, could be very intimidating."I shall announce you then." Her wiry legs carried her swiftly to the SmoothRock.

Softening her eyes for the rest of the pack, Dreamer called them together."All those old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the SmoothRock for a pack meeting!" The wolfves came together, murmuring about the new arrivals."What are your names?" She asked the two older wolves."I'm Sola," The tan one spoke."And I'm Thunder." The black she-wolf finally spoke up."Then Sola and Thunder shall be fighters of Stormpack!" THe pack gathered around, then soon settled down to listen.

"And how about you two?" She looked the the younger ones. To Dreamers relief, a white she-wolf stepped forward."I'm Quicksilver, and that's Streak." In that case. You will both be Trainees. Quicksilver, I shall be your mentor. Streak," Dreamer scanned the clearing."Your mentor shall be Pine." The all touched noses, and Dreamer headed to the entrance."Come, Shadow. You, Quicksilver and I shall lay down the borders."


  1. "Okay." Shadow barked. He padded over to the young wolf. "Hi. Welcome to Stormpack."

    Hakoda looked at Echo, you should leave now. Take Haku and Alado." He said.

  2. echo noded.she called out for the treinee and fighter before leading the way to the plains.

    pine smiled at streak."welcome to the pack.i hope your ready to start training,we'll head over to the training clearing now."he barked.

    luna smiled at the new arivals.she rarly came out of the nursery now except for clan meetings.her belly was swollen with thhe pups she was carrying,they were due any day now.

    spirit noded in welcome to the knew comers.sudenly she scented luna and paded over toher sister."you should be resting luna."she barked gently.she herd luna sigh."you'll be able to go out once inwhile after the born."spirit added hoping to cheer luna up."i know."she herd luna bark.spirit noded and fallowed luna into the nursery.

  3. Alado bounded from the trainee's den. She skidded to a halt at Haku's paws. "I'm ready." She barked.

  4. echo noded."then lets go."she barked,starting to lead the way to the plains for a second time.

  5. She followed close behind. Her tail wagging with excitment. The talk she had had with Haku really brightened her spirits. She leaped forward and accidently stumbled and crashed into Echo. "Sorry." She yipped.

  6. echo turned her head to see the trainee."no harm done just don't get to ahead of yourself."she barked kindly.her eyes smiling.

  7. Streak dipped his head graciously. "Glad to be here," he said evenly. He then turned to Pine. "Let's go," he said, racing away to the training clearing.

    Quicksilver stretched and looked around. This is interesting, she thought. Almost like my old pack. The memory brought tears to her eyes, and she looked at the ground, blinking them away. She then decided to sit and just watch all the activity going on.

    Sola smiled. It felt nice being in a pack again. She padded up to Dreamer. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked her pack leader.

    Thunder watched Pine, and her heart beat faster. Stop it! she scolded herself. Thunder shook out her fur and decided to go to the Shadow Forest to see what was there.

  8. "You could come with us on our border patrol." She siled to Sola."Quicksilver! Your coming with us!" She called to her apprentice.

  9. "Hi Sola, hi Quicksilver." He smiled.

    "Okay." She stepped back next to her mentor.

  10. Quicksilver dipped her head. "Sorry," she barked, "I wasn't listening." She raced after Shadow and Dreamer.

    Sola sighed. Pups... She followed them more slowly.
