Monday, March 14, 2011

♫Join our Pack♫

Hello, welcome to our pack. If you are going to join, I need to know some information, but here are the rules:

1. Beta must make patrols!

2. You may have FAIRLY strange fur colors, but NOT OUTRAGEOUS such as pink.

3. You must join as at least two wolves!

4. Do not join as a Trainee if their aren't any available wolves to train you.

5. No pups without parents!

6. Do not ask to be in a prophecy.

7. Please do not join saying things like fastest in the pack or prettiest, because that isn't very nice. You may just say very fast or very pretty, something like that.

Here is the joining forum:

Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.):

Have fun!


  1. Name: Ranger
    Gender: male wolf
    Rank: head fighter
    Paragraph about self: Ranger is a muscular male wolf with bright yellow eyes and some faded gray patches. He is strong, loyal, swift, and popular among the pack, though he usually keeps to himself. His goal is to soon be the leader of the pack. He is extremly energetic and has extremly powerful hind legs. His teeth are always sharp. He kills other wolves easily in battle, because he has many more advantages than them.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: none
    History: His parents died when he was born, so he raised himself. When he found Stormpack, he was old enough and skilled enough to become head fighter.
    Other: ---
    Picture Link:

  2. Name: Feather
    Gender: female
    Rank: pup
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Pretty gray-blue and white she-wolf with dazzling magenta eyes. She has a swirling white mark on her tail, she got it from her mother. She is swift, caring, and understanding and would never judge anyone since she knows what it's like to be hurt. She loves being around other wolves and dislikes being alone unless she wants to think. She enjoys the night and often sneaks out of camp to go for a run.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: Her mother is an unknown loner and Shadow takes care of her and her brother Storm
    History: She was taken to Stormpack by Shadow
    Other: None
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Name: Storm
    Gender: male
    Rank: pup
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Bluish-gray male wolf with soft gray eyes. He has a strange whiter marking on his forhead and is told he got it from his mother. He is strong for a pup and is becoming a great fighter. He is loyal, and caring and very smart.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: His mother is an unknown loner and he is taken care of by Shadow. His sister is Feather.
    History: He was taken to Stormpack by Shadow
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Name: Alado
    Gender: female
    Rank: trainer
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee): anyone is good
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Very pretty brown she-wolf with pale brown and white markings. She has emerald green eyes. Caring, loyal, kind hearted and courageous. She is very clever and is a good fighter but she knows hot to win battles by smarts not strength.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: She has no known family
    History: She was taken to Stormpack as a pup
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Name: Shadow
    Gender: male
    Rank: fighter
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Hadsome black and gray male wolf with brilliant blue eyes. Wise, strong, caring, kind hearted, and open minded he cares a lot for his clanmates. He enjoys the company of another wolf and loves to play with the young trainers and pups.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: His sister is an unknown loner and he takes care of Feather and Storm
    History: He was once a loner when his parents were killed when he was a pup but he didn't like that life so he came to Stormpack
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  3. Name: Mystic
    Rank: fighter
    Paragraph: Mystic is a stunning white she-wolf with bright lime green eyes and a blue streak down her side, which makes her so unique. She is smart, swift, fierce, fearless, and strong, yet kind, caring, and sweet. She loves pups. She has a crush on Shadow.

  4. Name: Star
    Rank: trainee
    Paragraph: Star is a stunning white and dark navy she-wolf with dark hazel eyes. She is one of the most beautiful wolves in the clan. But don't judge her by her looks, because she is very smart, swift, fierce, daring, strong, quick-thinking, and strong-headed. But she's only like that in battle, when she gets angry. Usually, she is kind, sweet, caring, funny, and slightly shy.

    (btw these by Akire/peregrin is hollyflame, i don't have time to switch [i'm on a different computer])

  5. Name: Maya
    Gender: she-wolf
    Rank: fighter
    Paragraph about self: Maya is a pretty gray and black she-wolf with blue eyes. She is extremly strong and loyal. She is head-strong, and enjoys working in the pack. She loves to watch the sun set. She wishes to get a lot of friends.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: non
    History: Her parents dropped her off here when she was a trainee and her mentor was Ranger. Ranger is like an older brother to her.
    Other: ---
    Picture Link:

  6. Rest of Kate :
    A small, adgile and clever black she wolf with white and brown and golden eyes. She is sly, clever, adgile, swift, sneaky and headstrong. She is hard headed and once she makes up her mind you can't change it back. She is very fast, maybe one of the fastest in the pack. She wants to be Alpha some day and looks up to Dreamer. Most are shocked that how someone so small and innocent be so strong and fearless. She doesn't back down from a fight.
    Mentor : Anyone

  7. Name:spirit
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.):white and light grey she-wolf with blind white eyes.sweet,shy,gently,wise,positive,perseverent.she has steady gentle paws.she also always has a peice of edvise or story to tell.she finds her way around the territory throught her other sense.
    Crush/Mate/Kin:luna,echo and pine are her littermates.
    History:when she was a pup she was captured by twolegs.they put her to sleep,and she woke up in the forest she was blind.she was raised a loner by her mother who died later on.many moons after she and her littermates joined stormpack.
    Other:she's terified of two legs and steers clear of them.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.):tan,sandy brown and russet coulored she wolf with piercing dark piercing amber eyes.brave,perseverent,truthful,independent,kind,loyal,storng willed fair.she's very quiet but don't get her wrong.she's not afraid to say what she thinks quite the contrary.she's stand up for herself and always says her opinion.she can be impaitient and crancky.she realy doesn't forgive esaliy and doesn't realy open up either.
    Crush/Mate/Kin:spirit,luna,and pine are her littermates.
    History:her sister dispeared when they were pups,and when they found her she was blind.when they were older there mother died but they stayed together and eventualy,joined stormpack.
    Other:hates twolegs and wants to kill them all for what they did to her sister.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  8. Name:luna
    Gender:she wolf
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.):blue,black,silverand white she-wolf with blue eyes.she can have the worst temper with others,and is very protective of pups and other mothers.they only ones who haven't felt her angre are those nursing or caring for pups.she has paitiences,despite her temper.quick thinking,always coming up with knew ideas.she's very peaceful is often one of the first to brake up a fight.[thought growls of angre of course.]she's very loving and used to be eeasy going but she's now hard and cold.because the wolf she thought she loved hated her.she's now expecting his pups thought he doesn't know it.and he never will if she has her way.
    Crush/Mate/Kin:her mate is dead for all she cares.echo,spirit and pine are her littermates.
    History:her sister was taken from her family when they were youge.when they found her she was blind,soon after her mother died but they stayed together.she found love around this time and they became mates.but when they decided to join the pack [she and her littermates.] he confessed that he hated her.she never told him she was expecting his pups.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.):tan and black wolf with dark green eyes.easygoing,funny,brave,thruthful,loyal,swift,agile and quick witted.always getting into troble and then getting out.loves watching pups.he has an infinaty of paitience.he and his sister luna are often the ones who keep the peace imbetween there littermates.he's positive and always thinking if theres more then one anserw.
    Crush/Mate/Kin:echo,spirit, and luna are his littermates.
    History:when he was youg his littermate was taken from his family soon after they found her blind in the forest.there mother continued to look after all of them but she died.many moons later they decided to j20wolf%20storm/LoveLess1223/Wolfs/WindStorm.jpg
    oin the pack.
    Other:he hates twolegs for what they did to spirit.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  9. Name: Katara
    Gender: female
    Rank: fighter
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Black wolf she-wolf with light gray markings. She has a scar below her left eye from a fight she had with another wolf. She was trying to protect her younger brother. She is lithe, agile, graceful, and very swift. She loves to hunt and is very good at it. She's always been a good hearted wolf and would do anything to protect her pack-mates.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: Her brother is Hakoda
    History: She was once a loner with her younger brother when their parents died when Hakoda was just a pup.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Name: Hakoda
    Gender: male
    Rank: Beta? If not fighter
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Handsome brown wolf with lighter and darker brown markings. He is swift and brave and would do everything he can to help his packmates. He is also kind-hearted and wise even though he is young. He has a strong will and an open mind, making him a very loyal packmate.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: His sister is Katara
    History: He was once a loner with his sister when his parents died when he was still a pup. He misses them deeply though he didn't know them that well.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  10. Name: Quicksilver
    Gender: She-wolf
    Rank: Trainee
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee): Dreamer?
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Silvery white wolf with violet eyes. Slim, strong, swift, cunning, quick, and brave. Quiet and reserved. Can be ruthless, but most of the time is kind and an an okay wolf to be around.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: None
    History: Came from pack destroyed in terrible fire.
    Other: None
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):


  11. Name: Sola
    Gender: She-wolf
    Rank: Fighter
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Tan she-wolf with white underbelly and golden eyes. Has a long, fluffy tail that helps her blanace well, and is rather pretty. Skilled at fighting and catching food, though rather clumsy in water. Happy, fun-loving, talkative, friendly, and loves to play.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: Sister is Quicksilver, Brother is Streak
    History: Came from pack destroyed in a terrible fire
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Name: Streak
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Trainee
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee): Pine
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Black and white wolf with pale green eyes. Quiet, strong, fast, agile, and handsome. Reserved and one of the quickest, best fighters. Competitive and hates to lose. Likes to run, and can be nice and kind, though it's rare. Very hard for him to like you and let you be his friend.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: Sisters are Sola and Quicksilver
    History: Came from pack destroyed in a terrible fire.
    Other: None
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

    Name: Thunder
    Gender: She-wolf
    Rank: Fighter
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Black she-wolf with a red streak on her tail, white over her eyes, and a gray underbelly. Has long, slim legs and white paws. A very, very fast runner. Good at catching prey. Fierce, has a temper. If offended, she will lash out. Defensive, but can be calm and efficient. Quick to argue, but a loyal friend nonetheless.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: Has a crush on Pine.
    History: Was a loner, exiled from her pack, but decided to join this one and give herself a second chance.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  12. Name:Rarity
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):NA
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Dark navy with dazzling aqua blue eyes, a strange mysterious aura hanging around her. Reserved and quiet, Honest, Strange, charming. Dangerously Loyal. She's on a never ending quest to find her little sister, angel. Protective over pups. Independent. Comes from a foreign land, bringing her knowledge of plants and berries with her.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: None... Yet.
    History: Broken-hearted at the missing of her sister, Angel. Constantly searching for her, never giving up. Doesn't reveal much about her past.
    Other: Needs something to fill a hole in her heart (a mate or a pup or something) :3
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  13. Name: Tigris
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Senior Fighter (But not like a grandpa)
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): With piercing red eyes and a nasty bite, Tigris is a brutal fighter. Known for his rippling muscles and death bite. He's very intimidating and he never misses his target. Although he's a monster out in the hunting field, he's quiet and wouldn't hurt anything that doesn't bother him. He has a soft spot for pups, although he doesn't like to show it. He has long sturdy legs and wicked speed and stamina. He likes to rest in front of the fire and let his mind drift off.
    Crush/Mate/Kin: None.... yet!
    History:He'll never go near humans unless it is to kill them. His hatred for the 2 legged devils is bubbling strongly and growing.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):

  14. Name: Spark
    Mentor Choice (Only if your a Trainee):
    Paragraph about self:(Must have at least 5 good sentences, hopefully more.): Spark was given her name because she's just like her mother, lightning. Just another spark off the old fire. She's swift, strong, and blazes through the darkness. Wise and cunning, but she's always follow Tigris around like a pup. She has shining golden eyes, with long legs and a spring in her step. She's mostly quiet, but she'll never start talking once you get her to start.
    History:She had seen Tigris before she joined the pack, sprinting after a prey. She was instantly amazed and delighted to find him in the pack too.
    Picture Link ( I WILL NOT FIND ONE FOR YOU!):
