Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Two new arrivals

Gazing happily over the pack-members, Dreamer breathed in the fresh, crisp air. She already had four new joiners, even if two if them were little pups. She allowed her two front paws to dangle off of the SmoothRock, and held her head high. The sun soaked into her fur, and she closed her yellow eyes. She looked rather noble. Another rustling caught her attention, and her ears swerved.

Two wolves padded cautiously into the camp. They stared around in awe, then caught site of other wolves. They turned to flee, but Dreamer was faster. She shot to the entrance."Excuse me." She said politely."What?" The male barked. Dreamer smiled kindly."Would you like to join our pack? You do know wolves do better in packs." The male looked thoughtful."Okay, fine."

Dreamer nodded and gracefully back onto the SmootRock. The other wolves emerged and gathered around the two wolves."What are your names?" Dreamer asked the two wolves."I'm Maya." The she-wolf said lightly."I'm Ranger." The male said slowly. Dreamer nodded."Ranger, you seem like a powerful tom. Would you like to be Head fighter?" Ranger brightened."Yes, I would like that." Dreamer smiled."Maya, you will be a warrior as well. Welcome to Stormpack!"

The other wolves praised the new arrivals. They both seemed happy enough, so Dreamer went to meet Feather and Rock.


  1. Ranger stood tall, his gaze glowed through the camp.

    Mays stood close beside Ranger, and looked at the other wolves.

  2. Feather and Rock ran from the nursery. Tumbling with each other, they suddenly ran into Dreamer. Feather stopped and gasped. "Sorry!"
    ~~*Feather && Rock

  3. Dreamer smiled."That's fine. How do you like it here?" She bent down to ask the little pups.

  4. "I love it!" He squeaked and leaped onto his sister.

    She squealed with joy and ran from her brother under Dreamer's legs. Trying to hide.

  5. Dreamer laughed gently."I'm glad. You two are such lively pups." She smiled, glancing at Feather who was hiding between her long, thin legs.

  6. She stopped and sat down. "Shadow said we didn't used to be this excited all the time.." She closed her eyes. "I miss having a mom."

    He also stopped and looked at Dreamer with a cocked head. "Don't you have a mate?"

  7. Dreamer smiled, even though the though burned."No, I don't. I just have to face it, males don't like head-strong females." She nudged both of them."I'm sure you'll have a mother soon. Perhaps your real one will return."

  8. "You don't seem head-strong." Storm tilted his head to one side.

    Feather sighed. "My mother won't ever come back. I don't want her too. I'd rather I never see her than me having to know I've a mother that wanted to leave us."

  9. "Aw, thank you Rock." Dreamer smiled at the young pup, then turned her attention to Feather."That's okay. Maybe your father will meet somebody else that can be your mother." She stood straight and flickered her yellow gaze across the clearing."There are plenty of eligible she-wolves."

  10. "Hopefully." Feather barked and leaped at Dreamer. She wanted to play, not mope.

    Storm smiled. "Your welcome!" And raced under her legs.

  11. Dreamer tumbled over when the pups attacked."That's a good group strategy." She smiled."You two will make fine fighters."

  12. "Really?!" Storm perked up. "I hope we train together." He patted at Dreamer's tail.

    "Me too!" She ran at Storm and tumbled him over. "Don't hurt my leader you fleabag!" She giggled and pawed at Storm.
