Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Large, warm cave that is always in the sun. The ground is covered in feathers, grass, and moss to keep it soft. Mothers and Pups sleep here.

1 comment:

  1. luna paded into the nursery and made herself a nest.she lay down in it.when she herd dreamer's call.she heaved herself to her paws and paded out.

    `~~~~~after the meeting~~~~~~

    luna paded into the nursery fallowed by sprit.she lay in her nest and spirit sat down beside her.they chated for awhile,before luna started to feel pain from her stomac.she let out a small yelp of surprise and pain.spirit was instently on her paws.luna lay down on her side as the contractions got worser.spirit lay a gentle paw on swollen stomac every now and then for a long time.finaly the contractions got very close together.by now it was past moon high."push."spirit told luna.luna pushed and a wet bundle fell into the nest.she niped the sack and licked it to warm it up and help it breath before placing it beside luna.by this time another pup was born.she niped it's sack and licked as well when she was done,she placed it beside the other pup so it could suckle.she put one paw on on luna's stomac and saw that the contrations were starting to ease,only one pup left."come on luna one llast pup."she incourged.luna pushed and the last pup fell beside her.she turned tawards it nipped the sack and placed it in her curve to suckle with he othertwo.she smiled at them."there perfect luna all three healthy.you've had to males and one female."she mewed kindly.luna noded and closer at the pup.one pale was blackish brown,brown and tan.he looks exactly like his father.she thought to herself.he'll be grizzly.she decided.she gave him a loving liick on the head before looking at the next pup the other male.he was black anannd red.luna smiled and gave hi s head a lick,you"ll be flame.she thought before turning her attention to her female pup.she was silvery white and blackish blue grey.midnight i think will fit you perfectly.luna thought."grizzly,flame and midnight my three perfect pups."were her last words before drifting into sleep.spirit smiled at her sister's words.she silently made her way back to her den.she could still feel the cold of night as she walked to her den.it must be near dawn.she thought entering her own den.
